More about the title
“Soli Deo Gloria” (Glory to God alone), these are the words with which Johann Sebastian Bach ended his scores. The concert from the Konvergencie Festival with an almost mystical atmosphere, composed of works by Bach, Olivier Messiaen, Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck and improvisations, is a tribute to the royal instrument, its masters and the art of the jubilant Slovak organist, teacher and long-time cantor at the Great Evangelical Church Ján Vladimír Michalko, for whom it was also the last performance of his concert career. Together with his musician friends Juraj Bartoš, Boris Lenko and Jozef Lupták, they brought an unforgettable experience to the visitors and we bring it to you on this album.
The album contains: music CD, booklet, code for downloading audio files
Authors: Bach / Rinck / Messiaen / improvisations
Publisher: Konvergencie, 2021
Edition: Konvergencie LIVE
SOZA – BIEM: 1749-008-2
EAN: 8 588006 338072
concert dramaturgy / dramaturgy: Ján Vladimír Michalko
record / recording engineer: Martin Čema, Cobra Sound
mix & mastering: Martin Čema, Jozef Lupták, Boris Lenko, Andrej Šuba
Track list
- Johann Christian Heinrich RINCK (1770 – 1846)
Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H
(from Praktische Orgelschule, Op. 55, Vol. 6, No. 195)
J. V. Michalko - Improvisation on B-A-C-H I / Improvisation on B-A-C-H I
J. Bartoš - Improvizácia na B-A-C-H II / Improvisation on B-A-C-H II
B. Lenko - Improvisation on B-A-C-H III / Improvisation on B-A-C-H III
J. Lupták - Improvisation on B-A-C-H IV / Improvisation on B-A-C-H IV
J. Bartoš, J. Lupták - Improvisation on B-A-C-H V / Improvisation on B-A-C-H V
J. V. Michalko - Johann Sebastian BACH (1685 -1750)
Chorale Prelude “Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ” BWV 639 / Chorale Prelude “Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ” BWV 639 (from Orgelbüchlein BWV 599 – 644)
J. V. Michalko - Olivier MESSIAEN (1908 – 1992)
I. Adoro Te / I Adore Thee: “Je vous adore, ô Divinité cachée!” (“I invoke you in humility, hidden Divinity!”) (from Livre du Saint-Sacrement)
J. V. Michalko - Olivier MESSIAEN (1908 – 1992)
Le Banquet Céleste: “Celui qu mange ma chair et boit mong sang demeure en moi et moi en lui.” (“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.” John 6:56)
J. V. Michalko - Improvisation on Messiaen’s Modus 1 / Improvisation on Messiaen’s Modus 1
J. Lupták, B. Lenko, J. Bartoš, J. V. Michalko - Soli Deo Gloria / speech / Ján Vladimír Michalko